
휴대용 칫솔살균기 Toothbrush Sanitizer 휴비딕 PA-TS750

휴대용 칫솔살균기 Toothbrush Holder with Clean Function, Toothbrush Holder Wall Mounted 휴비딕 PA-TS750


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휴대용 칫솔살균기 Toothbrush Holder with Clean Function, Toothbrush Holder Wall Mounted 휴비딕 PA-TS750

1. [99.9 % 세척 율]-칫솔과의 접촉을 효과적으로 방지하는 독립형 칫솔 슬롯 디자인으로 칫솔을 깔끔하게 보관할 수있는 칫솔 케이스는 99.9 % 효율을 발휘하고 칫솔을 항상 새 것처럼 유지 2. [충전식 배터리 및 간편한 설치]-칫솔 홀더를 완전히 충전하는 데 약 2 시간이 걸립니다. 최대 30 회까지 사용할 수있는 절전형 UV-C 램프 비드로 하루에 두 번 사용할 경우 2 주에 한 번만 충전 3. [다양한 칫솔모에 적합]-다양한 칫솔모에 적합합니다. 휴대 가능하고 사용하기 쉽습니다. 가족과 개인에게 적합합니다. 칫솔 여행용 컨테이너는 공간과 시간을 절약 4. [자동 운전]-칫솔을 넣고 뚜껑을 닫은 후 전원 버튼을 켜면 6 분이 지나면 불이 꺼지고 뚜껑을 열면 자동으로 멈 춥니 다. 5. [휴대용 및 보증서]-작고 가벼운 칫솔 케이스는 매우 정교하고 컴팩트하며 휴대가 간편하여 특히 출장, 캠핑, 휴가 여행에 적합하며 가정이나 사무실에서 사용하기에 적합하여 여행자면 누구에게나 최고의 선물 1. [99.9% Clean Rate] - The Free-standing toothbrush slot design, to effectively prevent touching between the toothbrushes.It can offer your toothbrush a clean storage environment.This toothbrush case works 99.9% efficiently, keep your toothbrush as good as new every day. 2. [Rechargeable Battery and Easy to Install] - It take about 2Hrs to full charge the Toothbrush holder. The power-saving UV-C lamp beads enable it to be used for 30 times.If you use it twice a day, you only need to charge it once every two weeks. No drills needed. You can remove it from the wall or install it on the wall whenever you need it. 3. [Suitable for Various Toothbrush Head ] - Suitable for various toothbrush head including electric toothbrush. Portable and easy to use . Perfect for families and personal.The toothbrush travel container can save you space and time. 4. [Working Automatic] - Put the toothbrushe in and close the lid,then turn on the power button, light turn off after 6 minutes.And when the lid be opened, it will automatically stop. 5. [Easy to Carry and Warranty ]- Small size and lightweight, the toothbrush case is very exquisite, compact and portable, it`s easy to carry, especially suitable for business trips, camping, holiday travel, also suitable for home or office use. 1-year warranty for this product since the first date of your purchase. Please feel free to contact us. This will be the best gift for anyone.





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